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Numeric Equates

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Numeric equates


thinBasic allows you to refer to numeric constants by name. Those constant values are called equates.


Equates data type


Equates declaration has the following syntax:


%EquateName = NumericExpression [As NumericDataType]


Where the optional parameter NumericDataType can be any of the allowed numeric data types: BYTE, INTEGER, WORD, DWORD, LONG, QUAD, SINGLE, DOUBLE, EXTENDED, CURRENCY.

If not NumericDataType is specified, default type will be assumed to be LONG.


Binary and hex numbers can be represented indicating &B or &H followed by the relative representation. Examples:




%MINIMUM_L  = &H80000000 As Long


%Normal   = &B000000

%ReadOnly = &B000001

%Hidden   = &B000010

%System   = &B000100

%vLabel   = &B001000

%SubDir   = &B010000

%Archive  = &B100000





Some equate declaration example:



%NPARAM    = 3

%NTYPE     = 1

%RANK      = 2

%FILE      = 3

%KING      = 1

%PAWN      = 2







1.Numeric equates name must start with percent sign %
2.Unlike variables, you can use an equate on the left side of an assignment statement only once.
3.If an equate has already been created, subsequent attempts to assign a new value will fail but no error will be generated





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