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Assignment operators

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Assign values to Variables


Values are assigned to variables creating an expression as follows: the variable is on the left side of the expression and the value you want to assign to the variable is on the right.


For example:


Dim B As Long

B = 200


Usually equal sign (=) is used for variable assignment operation like:


Counter = Counter + 1


but thinBasic support also some pre-assignment operators very useful in many cases. For example the previous example can be reduced to:


Counter += 1


In this case thinBasic sum 1 to the current value of Counter variable.


The following tables summarize all the supported assignment operators.


Numeric assignments




Equal to


Assign right expression to a variable

Counter = Idx


Add variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

Counter += Idx

Counter = Counter + Idx


Subtract variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

Counter -= Idx

Counter = Counter - Idx


Multiply variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

Counter *= Idx

Counter = Counter * Idx


Divide (floating point version) variable by right expression before assigning result back to variable

Counter /= Idx

Counter = Counter / Idx


Divide (integer version) variable by right expression before assigning result back to variable

Counter \= Idx

Counter = Counter \ Idx


String assignments




Equal to


Assign right expression to a variable

MyString = "ABC"


Add variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

MyString += "ABC"

MyString = MyString & "ABC"


Add variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

MyString &= "ABC"

MyString = MyString & "ABC"


Add variable value to right expression before assigning result back to variable

MyString .= "ABC"

MyString = MyString & "ABC"



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